Great Dorset Steam Fair
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Great Dorset Steam Fair |
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Am 30. August beginnt das 32. "Great Dorset Steam Fair". Über die 31. Veranstaltung erfahren wir
The success of the steam fair is due to every exhibit being shown in the way in which it was originally worked and functioned all those years ago. This working theme has proved to be a winner with the public from the very first show. Overall there are 150 working steam engines and 100 fairground organs at the show together with around 2000 other working exhibits. Everything that was great in British engineering can be seen, it really is a look back at our wonderful heritage when Great Britain was workshop to the world...
As well as the many steam engines and organs, there are vintage tractors at work, vintage cars and motorcycles on parade, stationary engines, old commercial and army vehicles, and the many crafts people who show off the skills of their trade from thatchers to cider makers.
Zu den Attraktionen, die inzwischen 200.000 ZuschauerInnen jährlich anziehen, zählen:
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Schon 1937 wurde die Road Locomotive Society gegründet.
Die Road Roller Association widmet sich erwartungsgemäß den Straßenwalzen
One of the first steam rollers built by Aveling & Porter in 1867 for Liverpool
Beide Vereine haben aber ein dürftiges Angebot im WWW.
Die Bedfordshire Steam Preservation Society scheint fast nichts zu zeigen, aber schaut ihr sich die Startseite im Quelltext an, erkennt ihr Links zu anderen Dokumenten (Newsletter, links, events, rally 2000). Da hätten die AutorInnen ihr Werk etwas besser überprüfen müssen
Dieses seltsame Locomobil besitzt Henk van der Wal.
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Jahrmärkte |
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Über Karussels habe ich bereits voriges Jahr berichtet. Ich weite das Thema nun etwas aus. Hier geht es zwar um Geschichte, aber oft waren Jahrmärkte Orte, an denen neue Entwicklungen dem Publikum gezeigt wurden:
The invention known as living pictures first made its appearance in February 1896. The appearance and exploitation of this new industry by travelling showmen also occurred in this year, and from 1897 onwards they played a significant part in this business, playing to largely provincial audiences whose chances of seeing this new display were limited. For fifteen or more years, these enterprising showmen travelled around the country, adapting and building portable booths in which to exhibit the films. Prominent showmen of the day soon incorporated living pictures into the fairground shows. One of the first was RANDALL WILLIAMS, who is acknowledged by most writers as the first showman to introduce moving pictures on to the English fairgrounds in 1897, when he opened at the King's Lynn Mart.
Besonders ausführlich informieren die Seiten des "National Fairground Archive" der University of Sheffield (Expertin: VANESSA TOULMIN) über die Geschichte der Jahrmärkte, ihrer Unternehmer und Lebensstile. Dazu gehören z.B. Wohnwagen. |
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...möchte ich jetzt nicht behandeln, weil ich mir dazu noch nicht genug angesehen habe. Trotzdem schon ein Foto:
1934 Sentinel S Type Wagon - Proctors Pride
Works No. 9174 Reg. No. BEV 466
This is a 4 cylinder shaft driven example and is capable of 60 mph. It has windscreen wipers, electric lights and pneumatic tyres
Die SammlerInnen und FahrerInnen dieser Marke organisieren sich im Sentinel Drivers Club.
Hintergrundmusik: calliope.mid
von Carousel of Sounds Band Organ (auf Wunsch des Autors kopiert)