3.2.1959: Buddy Holly, J. P. Richardson und Ritchie Valens
American Pie
Killing me softly with his song
Der Unfall
Buddy Holly
J.P. Richardson
Ritchie Valens
Waylon Jennings
Bobby Vee
Ricky Nelson
5.3.1963: Patsy Cline, Lloyd Copas und Hawkshaw Hawkins
Der Unfall
Patsy Cline
Lloyd Copas
Hawkshaw Hawkins
25.11.2001: Melanie Thornton, Maria Serrano-Serrano und Nathaly van het Ende
Weitere Abstürze
Der Flugzeugzusammenstoß am Bodensee veranlaßt(e) mich, Informationen über Flugzeugabstürze zusammenzustellen, bei denen MusikerInnen umkamen. Das führte aber zu Katastrophen, die mich wünschen ließen, unter den Absturzopfern zu sein.
In der Nacht zum 4.7.2002 hörte ich beim Schreiben am Surftipp nicht nur wie oft in der Nacht zum Donnerstag "Lonesome Cowboy", sondern machte danach noch weiter bis 8 Uhr. Dann schlief ich nicht lange und setzte die Recherche am Nachmittag fort. Als Folge bin ich leider beim Kritischen Tagebuch gegen 19:20 eingeschlafen und habe alles verpaßt, was nach 20 Uhr anfing:
Diese Sendungen wurden immerhin wiederholt, wobei sich herausstellte, daß ich zwei davon schon kannte:
Am Freitag hatte ich keine Zeit, aber in der Nacht zum Samstag wollte ich weitermachen. Als ich mit ULLI MEYBOHMs HTML-Editor den Surftipp, der damals auch noch die Texte von Tipp 6/2002 enthielt, speichern wollte, kam eine Fehlermeldung ungefähr der Art "Streaming data error". Da habe ich eben nicht gespeichert, da ich nur einige Formatierungen (Eigennamen in Kapitälchen) geändert hatte, und mußte kurz danach feststellen, daß ULLI MEYBOHMs HTML-Editor doch gespeichert hatte, aber mit 0 Bytes - über 100KB verloren. Selbst Excel, eine Anwendung, bei der Dr. Watson ein häufiger Gast ist, meldet noch, wenn Daten verloren gehen könnten, weil eine Datei nicht gespeichert werden kann. So einen schnellen Tod wie mir habe ich dem ULLI MEYBOHM da nicht gewünscht.
Als Folge des Absturzes mußte ich alle für Samstag geplanten Ausstellungsbesuche mit einem Freund absagen.
Statt dieser Exkursionen habe ich mit Hilfe der Verlaufsanzeige rekonstruiert, was ich schon im Web besucht habe und auch einiges, was ich darüber geschrieben habe.
3.2.1959: Buddy Holly, J. P. Richardson und Ritchie Valens |
oben |
Der Absturz von 3 Musikern der Buddy-Holly-Wintertournee durch den Mittleren Westen der USA wurde als "Tag, an dem die Musik starb" bezeichnet, und das, obwohl Musiker öfters Flugzeugabstürzen zum Opfer fielen. Sie müssen halt viel reisen.
"The day the music died" geht auf DON MCLEANs großen Hit "American Pie" zurück. Auf DON MCLEANs Homepage (die sich "DON MCLEAN Online, American Pie Man's Internet Home" nennt) heißt es: 'American Pie' was recorded on 26th May 1971 at the sound plant studios in New York City. Within one month it received its first radio airplay on New York's WNEW-FM and WPLJ-FM to mark the closing of The Fillmore East, the famous New York concert hall. The song is a landmark in the history of popular music that at 8 minutes 32 seconds in length defied traditional convention when released for sale in November 1971. In order to facilitate that release, United Artists had first to edit the epic recording to fit on a conventional 45rpm single. This basically involved discarding the second half of the song and releasing the first four minutes with a B-side of 'Empty Chairs', an excellent song taken from the 'American Pie' album. This unsatisfactory solution was quickly improved upon by re-issuing the single with a B-side of the second half of 'American Pie'. The single, 'American Pie', Parts 1 and 2 soon started to climb the pop-music charts, reaching number 1 in the USA and number 2 in the UK. The 'American Pie' album also topped the charts, remaining in the UK top-40 for over 52 consecutive weeks in 1972-73. Both the album and the single have charted on several occasions in the past 30 years, particularly in the UK where DON MCLEAN remains one of the most popular contemporary music stars. In 1991, he made the top-10 with the 'American Pie' single for the second time; in 1995 Just Luis took a disco version into the top-40; and, of course, in 2000 Madonna achieved what DON hadnt quite managed in either 1972 or 1991 - a UK number 1 single with 'American Pie'. DON MCLEAN fans did not universally approve of MADONNA's excellent version of 'American Pie'. The reasons for this disapproval are unclear and are not shared by DON MCLEAN. Inzwischen ist DON MCLEAN nicht nur durch seine Titel reich geworden, sondern muß sich auch noch ständig darum kümmern, seine Rechte einzufordern, wie er im Bankrate-Interview berichtete: B Has "American Pie" made you set for life? B How much does it bring in every year? B: How many licenses do you sell a year? B Do you get a lot of requests for the trademark that you turn down? Was mich am meisten überrascht, ist der große Abstand zu dem Unfall 1959. DON MCLEAN erwähnt den auch: "Now for ten years weve been on our own. And moss grows fat on a rolling stone" Diese zehn Jahre waren vielleicht nötig, um den Eindruck zu gewinnen, daß sich viel verändert (hatte). Am Ende dieser 10 Jahre gaben die Rolling Stones, die in Woodstock nicht dabei waren, ein Konzert auf dem Altamont Motor Speedway bei San Francisco, das katastrophal endete: What happened at Altamont has become rock n' roll and social history: four people born, four people died, including one young man stabbed to death right in front of the stage by the Hells Angels, who had been hired by the Stones to act as security during the show. Insofern ging eine Epoche zuende, aber nicht am 3.2.1959 sondern am 6.12.1969, wie JIM FANN schreibt: But however open to interpretation the lyrics may have been, the song's emotional resonance was unmistakable: MCLEAN was clearly relating a defining moment in the American experiencesomething had been lost, and we knew it. Opening with the death of singer BUDDY HOLLY and ending near the tragic concert at Altamont Motor Speedway, we are able to frame the span of years the song is covering1959 to 1970as the "10 years we've been on our own" of the third verse. It is across this decade that the American cultural landscape changed radically, passing from the relative optimism and conformity of the 1950s and early 1960s to the rejection of these values by the various political and social movements of the mid and late sixties. Coming as it did near the end of this turbulent era, American Pie seemed to be speaking to the precarious position we found ourselves in, as the grand social experiments of the 1960s began collapsing under the weight of their own unrealized utopian dreams, while the quieter, hopeful world we grew up in receded into memory. And as 1970 came to a close and the world the flower children had envisioned no longer seemed viable, a sense of disillusion and loss fell over us; we weren't the people we once were. Interpretationen von "American pie" gibt es in großer Zahl. Man unterstellt DON MCLEAN sowohl Andeutungen über andere MusikerInnen und Konzerten (Beatles, Rolling Stones, BOB DYLAN, Woodstock, JANIS JOPLIN) als auch über zeitgeschichtliche Ereignisse (Ermordung von drei Bürgerrechtlern in Mississippi, Erschießung von vier StudentInnen an der Kent State University, Wahlkongreß (Convention) der Demokraten in Chicago, Drogen, Hells Angels). Wäre mein erster Entwurf nicht durch ULLI MEYBOHMs HTML-Editor verlorengegangen, würde ich mich darüber ausführlicher äußern, aber jetzt habe ich keine Lust mehr und werfe Euch nur noch ein paar Links vor. Ich warne davor, diese Interpretationen als Tatsachen zu behandeln. Der Autor hat sich selbst nicht mit Deutungen geäußert, sondern erklärt: As you can imagine, over the years I have been asked many times to discuss and explain my song "American Pie." I have never discussed the lyrics, but have admitted to the HOLLY reference in the opening stanzas. I dedicated the album American Pie to BUDDY HOLLY as well in order to connect the entire statement to HOLLY in hopes of bringing about an interest in him, which subsequently did occur. This brings me to my point. CASEY KASEM never spoke to me and none of the references he confirms my making were made by me. You will find many "interpretations" of my lyrics but none of them by me. Isn't this fun? Sorry to leave you all on your own like this but long ago I realized that songwriters should make their statements and move on, maintaining a dignified silence. Interpretationen
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A long, long time ago, I can still remember how that Music used to make me smile. And I knew if I had my chance That I could make those people dance, And maybe theyd be happy for a while.
But February made me shiver So, bye bye, Miss American Pie And them good old boys were Did you write the Book of Love? And can you teach me how to dance real slow? I was a lonely, teenage bronkin buck I started singin: And them good old boys were Now for ten years weve been on our own. When the Jester sang for the King and Queen And while Lennon (or Lenin) read a book on Marx, The day the music died, we were singin: And them good old boys were Helter Skelter in the summer swelter, Now, the half-time air was sweet perfume Cause the players tried to take the field, Bye bye, Miss American Pie. And them good old boys were Oh, and then there we were, all in one place; No angel born in Hell Bye bye, Miss American Pie. And them good old boys were I met a girl who sang the blues, I went down to the sacred store, But not a word was spoken The day the music died. And them good old boys were Bye bye, Miss American Pie. And them good old boys were |
Angeregt durch "American Pie" schrieben CHARLES FOX und NORMAN GIMBEL schon 1972 "Killing me softly with his song", den ROBERTA FLACK im Flugzeug hörte und dann selbst zur Nummer 1 im Februar 1973 machte:
"I got on a flight from L.A. to New York, and on the plane was in-flight entertainment -- eight different channels of music you could listen to on a personal headset. I ran down the list of song titles on this one channel and got to 'Killing Me Softly with His Song.' I though, 'Hmm, that's different,' and instantly plugged in. I said, 'I'm gonna wait for that,' and sat back and waited for it to come on. And when I heard it, I freaked. I absolutely freaked. When I got to New York, I went to the hotel and called QUINCY JONES. I said, 'Tell me how to find the guys who wrote this song -- CHARLES FOX and NORMAN GIMBEL .'
"I got it from CHARLES FOX that they wrote the song, in its final form, based on the feelings of LORI LIEBERMAN. At first, the tune was called 'Killing Me Softly with His Blues.' Similar, but not really the same song. Then LORI went and had the experience of seeing DON MCCLEAN perform at the Troubadour."
The song that moved LORI so much was "American Pie." FOX and GIMBEL completed their tune and then had LORI record it for Capitol Records. Although it did get "air play" in the sky, LORI's version fell flat on the charts on the ground below.
I heard he sang a good song Strumming my pain with his fingers I felt all flushed with fever Strumming my pain with his fingers He sang as if he knew me Strumming my pain with his fingers |
Der Song war gut. Das hab ich gleich gehört. Und er hatte Stil. übersetzte BERTRAM QUADT von SWR 3 Eine deutsche Version hat anscheinend KATJA EBSTEIN gesungen: Man muss wohl vor lauter Liebe nicht nur blind, sondern auch noch taub sein, Gut, daß CHRISTINE FRANKE nicht darüber entscheiden kann, wer eingesperrt wird. |
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"The Winter Dance Party" hieß die Tournee von BUDDY HOLLY, DION and the Belmonts und anderen im Januar 1959 durch den Mittleren Westen der USA.
Performing in concert was very profitable, and BUDDY HOLLY needed the money it provided. "The Winter Dance Party Tour" was planned to cover 24 cities in a short 3 week time frame (January 23 - February 15) and HOLLY would be the biggest headliner. WAYLON JENNINGS, a friend from Lubbock, Texas and TOMMY ALLSUP would go as backup musicians.
Weil im Reisebus die Heizung ausgefallen war und teilweise Temperaturen unter dem Gefrierpunkt herrschten, charterten sie ein Flugzeug (mit Flieger).
BUDDY HOLLY had had enough of the unheated bus and decided to charter a plane for himself and his guys. At least he could get some laundry done before the next performance! That night at the Surf Ballroom was magical as the fans went wild over the performers. Dwyer Flying Service got the charter. $36 per person for a single engine Beechcraft Bonanza. No, the plane wasn't named American Pie. It only had serial numbers, N3794N.
History-of-Rock.com dokumentiert das wirklich sehenswert, z.B. mit Landkarte, Anzeige des Flugunternehmens und Foto der Busse. Ein Bild des intakten Flugzeuges fand ich aber nicht dort, sondern bei Lightaircraft.net: Beachcraft D35 Bonanza
Die Mason City Globe Gazette berichtete
und zeigt dazu auf ihrer Homepage weitere historische Fotos
An der Absturzstelle erinnert ein von Fans errichtetes Denkmal an die Toten:
Find-a-grave zeigt das Foto von GARY THELEN. Vgl. auch den kürzlich überarbeiteten Surftipp 11/2000 zur Sepulkralkultur.
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Die Karriere BUDDY HOLLYs dauerte nur 3 Jahre:
September 7, 1936 - CHARLES HARDIN HOLLEY is born in Lubbock, Texas.
January 1955 - BUDDY meets ELVIS PRESLEY at Lubbock's Cotton Club.
October 1955 - In his first major rock 'n' roll gig, BUDDY and his singing partner BOB MONTGOMERY open for BILL HALEY & His Comets at Lubbock's Fair Park Coliseum.
January 26 - BUDDY records his first session in Nashville for Decca Records.
April 16 - Decca issues the first BUDDY HOLLY record, "Blue Days, Black Nights."
February 25 - BUDDY and his group record the hit version of "That'll Be the Day" in the wee hours, at NORMAN PETTY's recording studio in Clovis, New Mexico.
...June 30 or July 1 - BUDDY and his group record "Peggy Sue" and "Oh, Boy!" during a late-night session in Clovis.
...September 20 - Coral releases the second BUDDY HOLLY single, "Peggy Sue," which enters Billboard's Top 40 three weeks later and peaks at number three.
...October 27 - Brunswick releases the second Crickets single, "Oh, Boy!," which enters the Top 40 over a month later and tops out at #10.
...December 1 - The Crickets make their national TV debut performing "That'll Be the Day" and "Peggy Sue" on The ED SULLIVAN Show in New York.
January 26 - The Crickets make their second and final appearance on The ED SULLIVAN Show, singing only one song, "Oh, Boy!"
...February 12 - Brunswick releases the Crickets' third single, "Maybe Baby," which goes Top 40 a month later and reaches #17 in April.
...April 20 - Coral releases BUDDY's fourth solo single, "Rave On," which enters the top 40 for one week in early June, peaking at #37.
...May 27 - Brunswick releases "Think It Over," the Crickets' fourth single. It visits the Top 40 in early August, reaching #27.
...July 5 - Coral releases BUDDY's fifth single, "Early in the Morning," to cover BUDDY DARIN's original version with the Rinky Dinks. It peaks on the charts at #32 in late August.
August 24 - BUDDY marries MARIA ELENA SANTIAGO in Lubbock...
January 5 Coral releases BUDDY's seventh and last single of his lifetime, "It Doesn't Matter Anymore." It will reach #13 a month after his death.
January 23 - BUDDY joins the Winter Dance Party tour in Milwaukee
February 3 - BUDDY HOLLY, along with RITCHIE VALENS and J.P. RICHARDSON, is killed in the early hours in a plane crash just outside of Clear Lake, Iowa.
nach Rockabilly Hall: BUDDY HOLLY soll "HOLLY" ein Schreibfehler im Vertrag gewesen sein, kein absichtlicher Künstlername. BUDDY HOLLY beeinflußte zahlreiche Musiker nach ihm. Das kann an seiner Vielseitigkeit gelegen haben. Bei History of Rock heißt es:
BUDDY HOLLY was probably the first rock and roll artist to concern himself with virtually every aspect of his music including arranging and record production... Lubbock "The City of Churches," was conservative and segregated. In his youth, HOLLY had little direct contact with blacks or their music, but like so many other young musicians, he was attracted to the rhythm and blues heard on distant radio stations.
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Der als JILES PERRY RICHARDSON 1930 in Sabine Pass, Texas geborene "Big Bopper" arbeitete zunächst als Discjockey, was durch seine Militärzeit unterbrochen wurde. Mit 122 Stunden Radiomoderation an einem Stück (solange schreibe ich nicht mal meine Surftipps ohne Unterbrechung), stellte er einen Rekord auf. Dann schrieb er Songs für Freunde und für sich selbst. 1958 kam er mit "Chantilly Lace" auf Platz 6 der Pop Charts. (nach The big bopper)
Heute versucht der Sohn des Big Bopper, JAY PERRY RICHARDSON, nachzuweisen, daß dieser schon 1958 das erste Musikvideo produzierte. Beweise sind aber noch nicht online. Bisher galt dieser Ruhm RICKY NELSON (1961). RICHARDSON war mit 28 Jahren der älteste der Umgekommenen (HOLLY 22, VALENS 17)
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Auch RITCHIE VALENS hatte nur für wenige Singles Zeit. Der in Pacoima, Kalifornien geborene RICHARD STEPHEN VALENZUELA musizierte schon jahrelang im spanisch-mexikanischen Folkstil, bevor er einen Plattenvertrag bekam und sein Name zu RITCHIE VALENS verkürzt wurde.
RITCHIE's place in rock 'n' roll history is based on only two 45's, one a two-sided hit. The first, "Come On, Let's Go," is one I recall first hearing on ALAN FREED's TV Dance Party... Still, with a first release that reached #42, RITCHIE might easily have gone the way of dozens of other "one hit wonders," had he and producer BOB KEANE not come up with his remarkable double sided follow-up. Going against conventional wisdom, which says that you must always follow a hit with a similar sound, KEANE instead chose a doo-wop ballad VALENS had written for his girlfriend, DONNA LUDWIG.
The dreamy "Donna" was the first to reach the charts, eventually hitting #2 pop and #11 R&B. The gossamer love song, despite its lightness, still had the thickness and depth of Ritchie's previous hit. Slow dancing to it, you and your baby could get lost in virtual layers of romance. Soon, disc jockeys and fans alike began to flip "Donna" over to discover the magic on the other side. From its famous opening to the equally famous fade out. "La Bamba" is a timeless classic.
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Der kürzlich verstorbene WAYLON JENNINGS war bei der Winter Dance Party mit HOLLY unterwegs, überlebte aber, weil nicht alle ins Flugzeug paßten. Vielleicht hätten alle überlebt, wenn sie eine größere Maschine gechartert hätten.
WAYLON JENNINGS (left), pictured in 1959 with
Das Foto findet ihr bei JENNINGS Recalls His Friendship With BUDDY HOLLY 40 Years After 'The Day The Music Died' By MICHAEL GRAY In einem dort zitierten Interview erklärte WAYLON JENNINGS:
"Big Bopper weighed about 300 pounds, and he had trouble sitting on those bus seats, and he couldn't get any rest. He came to me and said, 'I have the flu, I'm very sick and tired and I haven't been able to sleep. Would you mind if I took your place on the plane?" "I said, 'No, I'm alright. Talk to BUDDY and if it's OK with him, it's OK with me.' Then TOMMY gave his place up for RITCHIE VALENS.
"I remember the last time I saw BUDDY. He had me go get us some hot dogs. He was leaning back against the wall in a cane-bottom chair and he was laughing at me. He said, 'So you're not going with us tonight on the plane, huh? Well, I hope your ol' bus freezes up. It's 40-below out there and you're gonna get awful cold. "So I said, 'Well, I hope your ol' plane crashes.' I was so afraid for many years that somebody was going to find out I said that. Somehow I blamed myself. Compounding that was the guilty feeling that I was still alive.
JENNINGS wurde am 15.6.1937 geboren und starb am
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Für den verunglückten BUDDY HOLLY sprang in Fargo, North Dakota, der nächsten Station der Tournee, ein örtliches Talent ein:
Schon als Fünfzehnjähriger gründete der im Jahr 1943 in Fargo/North Dakota geborene ROBERT VELLINE zusammen mit seinem Bruder die erste Band, die er die Shadows (nicht identisch mit den englischen Shadows!) nannte. Seinen Durchbruch aber hatte er ironischerweise erst einem schweren Flugzeugunglück zu verdanken [3 Sätze über den bekannten Unfall weggelassen, N.S.] Der Tourbus mit den restlichen Bandmitgliedern tuckerte derweil bei eisiger Kälte nach Moorhead, ihrem nächsten Auftrittsort und dort erst erfuhren die Ahnungslosen übers Radio von dem schweren Unglück. Man setzte sich mit dem örtlichen Veranstalter zusammen und beschloß, trotz des entsetzlichen Unglücks mit der Tour weiterzumachen. Allerdings benötigte man auf die Schnelle noch zusätzliche Musiker, am besten eine ganze Band, die ins Repertoire passte und kurzfristig einspringen konnte. Die Shadows übernahmen den Job. | ![]() http://www.history-of-rock.com/vee.jpg |
schreibt MANFRED KLASS bei netigel und zeigt dazu mehrere Schallplattenhüllen.
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History of rock behauptet, RICKY NELSON sei der erste Rockstar, der ein Kind von Radio und Fernsehen gewesen sei. Was mag das bedeuten? Nicht von Mama und Papa? RICKY (bis zum 21. Geburtstag RICK) NELSON enstammte der gleichen Generation wie BUDDY HOLLY. Er legte Wert auf eine exzellente Band. So spielte sein Gitarrist JAMES BURTON später auch für ELVIS PRESLEY und wurde in die Country Music Hall of Fame aufgenommen. Auf einen einzigen Stil hat er sich nicht festgelegt, was dazu führte, daß er bei einer Rock n' Roll revival show im Madison Square Garden sein Publikum mit neuen Liedern und ganz anderem Aussehen (schulterlange Haare) schockte, statt optisch und musikalisch die 50er Jahre wiedererstehen zu lassen. Ob das Publikum ihn oder die Polizei wegen ihres Vorgehens gegen Störer ausbuhte, kann ich nicht entscheiden. Jedenfalls verließ NELSON die Bühne und nahm den Vorfall zum Anlaß eines sarkastisch-kritischen Liedes, "Gardenparty" (s.r.) Es wurde sein letzter großer Hit. Frühere Hits waren z.B. "Travelin Man" und "Hello Mary Lou" Auch RICKY NELSON (und seine Band und seine Finanzgeberin) starben im Winter bei einem Flugzeugabsturz. Seine offizielle Homepage beschreibt es so: On December 31, 1985, en route from Alabama to a New Year's Eve show in Dallas, NELSON's DC-3 crash-landed in a field near DeKalb, Texas. The burning plane trapped its passengers inside, killing all aboard, except the pilot and co-pilot, who escaped through the cockpit window. Early press reports erroneously suggested that drug usage aboard the plane might have played a role in the fire that killed RICK, his band, and HELEN BLAIR. In fact, both the F.A.A. and the 1987 National Transportation and Safety Board report determined conclusively that the fire had begun in a malfunctioning gas heater. Bei seinem letzten Konzert in Guntersville, Alabama war sein letzter Titel BUDDY HOLLYs "'Rave On". Dieser makabere Zufall war mir Anlaß, RICKY NELSON auch hier vorzustellen. 1987 wurde NELSON in die RockandRoll Hall of Fame aufgenommen. |
Garden Party RICK NELSON I went to a garden party to reminisce with my old friends CHORUS People came from miles around, everyone was there CHORUS Played them all the old songs, thought that's why they came CHORUS Someone opened up a closet door and out stepped Johnny B. Goode CHORUS 'n' it's all right now, learned my lesson well |
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